As the Public Information Officer for the Borough of Roseland, New Jersey. Ryan is responsible for coordinating, editing, writing and the layout of the weekly Borough newsletter, This Week in Roseland. The newsletter is emailed out to over 2,000 email addresses each week highlighting the local, county, and state news of importance to Roseland residents while also including community announcements, photos from recent events, and reminders about different upcoming events, sports signups, special garbage collections and more. The newsletter has received positive feedback from many residents and out of a Borough of approximately 6,000 people, the newsletter is sent to over 2,000 email addresses. Ryan has also shared the successes and lessons he has learned while doing This Week in Roseland with the Oakland Communications Commission's Newsletter Committee so other Boroughs can benefit from the strategies and efforts Ryan has made in Roseland to benefit his hometown and the Commission that he volunteers on.
Since he was a freshman, Ryan wrote for his school newspaper every year while at Waynesburg University. Ryan wrote a variety of stories from profile features to covering campus events, and when News Digest Editor his junior year, columns and editorials in the Op-Ed section as well. Below is a sampling of some of Ryan's work over his time at The Yellow Jacket.
- A call to abolish the unnecessary practice of Daylight Savings Time
- Battle for House is battle for direction
- You can't please everyone all the time
- Christmas tree brings campus together
- WU women serve across the globe
- Merten turned to God amidst terrible tragedy
- Autism Fundraiser benefits families, creates community
- Make time for seniors during final weeks
Since the website launched in the spring of 2008, (and when Ryan was only in his early teens!) Ryan wrote for The Oakland Journal, a hyper-local online news website in the Borough. He has written a variety of different stories from Seasonal, to Op-Ed, and Evergreen to Essay type pieces, with some of them starting taking off on forums and social media as local resident readers weigh in on the topic. Below is a sampling of some of Ryan's work over his time at The Oakland Journal.