Fellow Oakland Republican,
My name is Ryan Schwertfeger and I am writing to respectfully request your vote on June 4 as I seek election to one of the County Committee seats for our district. I have been proud to call Oakland my home ever since 1998, when my family moved into a house on Hiawatha Boulevard. I attended Heights Elementary, Valley Middle, and Indian Hills High School. Once I graduated from college, though many of my fellow college graduate friends from Oakland were looking to move elsewhere, I knew I wanted to settle down permanently here. Two years ago, I bought my own home in Oakland—also on Hiawatha Boulevard. If my name sounds familiar—that could be because I was the person who worked for 12 years to bring a dog park to our community. I saw my dream realized a few years ago when the Jill Schwertfeger Memorial Dog Park opened in Great Oak Park. It is named for my mother, who inspired me to take on this project before she passed away from cancer in 2012. Or you may recognize my name because I’ve served as the Chairman of the Oakland Communications Commission since 2018. Under my leadership, we’ve started broadcasting Borough Council meetings live on YouTube, created award-winning programming, upgraded our television station to HD, created a monthly e-newsletter, increased our volunteer base, and so much more. It has been an honor to use my passion, my communications degree, and my extensive knowledge of local government to serve our community and bring transparency, information, and entertainment to all Oakland residents through the Borough’s various media channels. |
I am a lifelong conservative Republican and have been a member of the Oakland Republican Club, as an individual or with my family, for over a decade. I believe it is important to not just complain if you don’t like how things are going, but to get involved and work toward the outcome you want to see. To that end, I have decided to step up and offer to serve my community in a new way by running for a County Committee seat in this district.
You may wonder what the Republican County Committee does and why it matters who sits on the committee. County Committee members, among other duties, play an important role in choosing candidates for local office, getting out the vote in our district each November to support Republican candidates, and participating in Bergen County Republicans’ organizational meetings.
I believe that the time is ripe for younger faces, new voices, and the next generation of Republicans to become involved. We are extremely fortunate to have an all-Republican governing body here in Oakland, and it is incumbent upon us to ensure not only that this remains the case, but that our elected officials are listening to the residents they represent and stick to conservative values and principles. We need to choose candidates who can win and who will follow through on their stated beliefs. That’s exactly what you will get from me. I will also work to recruit and support candidates who can win at the county level, as Republicans have been completely shut out of Bergen County offices for almost a decade. It is time to restore common-sense leadership to Bergen County!
For a better Oakland for you and me, please vote for Ryan Schwertfeger in Column 3. Let’s bring New Conservative Leadership to Oakland and elect someone with a proven track record of civic engagement, involvement, and success in serving our community. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you may have. I want to earn your vote, to serve Republicans in our district with distinction, and to understand and represent your opinions and concerns.
Ryan Schwertfeger
You may wonder what the Republican County Committee does and why it matters who sits on the committee. County Committee members, among other duties, play an important role in choosing candidates for local office, getting out the vote in our district each November to support Republican candidates, and participating in Bergen County Republicans’ organizational meetings.
I believe that the time is ripe for younger faces, new voices, and the next generation of Republicans to become involved. We are extremely fortunate to have an all-Republican governing body here in Oakland, and it is incumbent upon us to ensure not only that this remains the case, but that our elected officials are listening to the residents they represent and stick to conservative values and principles. We need to choose candidates who can win and who will follow through on their stated beliefs. That’s exactly what you will get from me. I will also work to recruit and support candidates who can win at the county level, as Republicans have been completely shut out of Bergen County offices for almost a decade. It is time to restore common-sense leadership to Bergen County!
For a better Oakland for you and me, please vote for Ryan Schwertfeger in Column 3. Let’s bring New Conservative Leadership to Oakland and elect someone with a proven track record of civic engagement, involvement, and success in serving our community. Please do not hesitate to reach out and ask any questions you may have. I want to earn your vote, to serve Republicans in our district with distinction, and to understand and represent your opinions and concerns.
Ryan Schwertfeger
Can I vote for Ryan?
Only registered Republicans OR undeclared "independent" voters may take part in the Republican primary, and you also must live in Election District 5. Find out if you are in district five by clicking HERE and typing in your home address and Oakland zip code. Note that this is an election district and not the same thing as a congressional district (Oakland is now in CD-9) or state legislature district (Oakland is D-39).
If you are an undeclared "independent", which means you are not affiliated with any other political party, you can show up on Primary Day to the voting location, say you want a Republican ballot, and vote for Ryan in the primary. Note however, you will then be a declared Republican voter and have then declared a party affiliation.
If you are an undeclared "independent", which means you are not affiliated with any other political party, you can show up on Primary Day to the voting location, say you want a Republican ballot, and vote for Ryan in the primary. Note however, you will then be a declared Republican voter and have then declared a party affiliation.
When was the last time a candidate asked "How can I serve you?"
We've unfortunately seen politicians on both sides of the aisle focus simply on enriching themselves and doing whatever it takes to get ahead and advance their careers. How often has someone in politics asked how they can serve you, We The People, and has a record of serving their community? It's unfortunately very rare. I want to hear from registered Republicans, and even non-affiliated Republican-leaning voters, in this district about the issues in Oakland and in the County that matter to them. We need to grow our coalition and work hard to deliver results because our Borough, our County, and our Republic depend on it.
Record of Accomplishment
- Chairman of the Oakland Communications Commission since 2018 and has brought the Borough's technology into the 21st century, recruited new volunteers and Commission members, and continues to find ways to innovate and improve what the Commission can assist the Borough.
- Tirelessly worked from inspired idea from mother to completed project over a 12-year period, raising approximately $50,000 and getting discounts or donations of labor and product of over $50,000.
- Public Information Officer for the Borough of Roseland, NJ and in almost a five year period, has vastly improved their social media, television channel, newsletter, fliers, community outreaches, emergency alerts, among other successes.
- Active in the Oakland Republican Club and active volunteer and intern for organizations and campaigns for more than a decade
- Elected to serve all four years in college in student government - as a student senator freshman and sophomore year, the Secretary during junior year, and as President during senior year.
Thinks for himself. Wants to represent YOU.
Ryan has shown throughout his career and his life that he is a team player and leads and works with others to accomplish goals. At the same time, he is not afraid to stand up for his beliefs, will do what he believes is right, and isn't afraid to stand up to power and speak his mind - even if there may be consequences because its the best course of action.
You can be assured that Ryan will take votes on County Committee that he thinks is right and will reflect not just the will of all of you - the residents in the district - but would make decisions that benefit the Borough of Oakland and our County to promote Republican and conservative principles.
You can be assured that Ryan will take votes on County Committee that he thinks is right and will reflect not just the will of all of you - the residents in the district - but would make decisions that benefit the Borough of Oakland and our County to promote Republican and conservative principles.
Photos with political candidates, political and governmental figures, or current or former elected officials do not imply an endorsement of Ryan by those individuals.